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Prosthodontic Dentistry

Losing teeth and the associated breakdown of oral structure can be alarming. This loss caused either by natural ageing, a serious accident, bone loss induced by certain cancers or a congenital defect can be very traumatic for a patient. The effect of these traumas can seriously affect a person’s ability to chew or smile and can seriously diminish a person’s confidence.


Through Prosthodontics, Dr Pretorius can restore oral function and esthetics allowing patients to return to normal living that is free from pain and limitations.

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Partial Dentures

Partial dentures or a bridge are usually used when one or more of a patient’s natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. They fill the gaps in the mouth where some teeth are missing and they also go a long way in preventing shifting teeth and gum tissue deterioration. There are a few types to choose from when considering a partial denture.


These include:


Acrylic/Plastic Dentures

A removable partial denture usually consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-coloured plastic/acrylic base


Thermoplastic Dentures

21st-century technology used in the production of these dentures has created a denture that is injection-moulded, offering a patient a smaller and less bulky alternative as a denture more durable than regular dentures. Along with a more secure fit, these hypo-allergenic dentures don’t require wires to hold them in place, giving a more natural or seamless appearance.


Metal Dentures

The structure of the denture is moulded cobalt chrome alloy. This offers the patient a lightweight, corrosion-resistant and generally stronger denture. There are two types of metal dentures: Standard and Modified. In standard metal dentures, the gum tissue is exposed to the metal frame of the denture. However, this can - in certain patients - cause an allergic reaction. The second option is a modified metal denture. where the metal frame is coated in either a hard or soft plastic lining, which prevents the gum from coming into direct contact with the metal frame.

Dr Bianca Pretorius Dental & Aesthetics

Full Dentures

Full dentures, otherwise known as complete dentures, are custom-moulded, removable replacements for missing teeth.


Patients have them fitted to either the top or bottom gum line, and are held in place by suction and/or the help of denture adhesive.



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As the name suggests, this is a dental treatment to replace missing teeth by implanting medical-grade metal frames directly into a patient’s jawbone. After the placement of the metal pin (frame) a replacement tooth is then attached to the frame.


The metal frame acts as an artificial tooth root and is the anchor for the replacement tooth/teeth, securing them in place. Implants are more secure and give the patient a more authentic result.


However it's important to note that not all patients are suitable implant candidates, patients need healthy gums and a strong jaw bone to withstand the pressure of placing the metal screw into the patient’s mouth.


A benefit of dental implants is that they fuse with the bone via a process called osseointegration. This means that implants become part of the jaw bone giving the patient a seamless and completely natural-looking tooth.

Full Dental Rehabilitations

Should a patient’s oral health be completely compromised or a trauma /disease has caused a complete loss or deterioration of most of the dental structures (teeth, jawbone, cheeks, gums) in a person’s mouth is when a full dental rehabilitation would be considered.


A full dental restoration (full-mouth reconstruction) is not a single dental treatment, but rather a combination of dental and maxillofacial treatments performed over a period of time with the main focus of restoring the health and functionality of a patient’s mouth.


Dr Pretorius will work with the patient and her team of specialist doctors in the development of a full rehabilitation plan for a patient’s mouth with the purpose of rebuilding the jaw, teeth, lips and cheek structures to a suitably healthy level.

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